Sunday, April 06, 2008

New look.

The office is really shaping up. We have finished painting. The last wall took some time it was the worst looking and had a bunch of paint splattered everywhere. When Will removed it he noticed a crack in the wall between it and the bookshelf where someone must have cut the dry wall too small and just went with it. It was about an 1/8 inch crack. They did a very poor job of patching it. I ordered some prints of some photos my cousin took to make a collage on the one wall. I spent several hours this weekend dusting and organizing the bookshelf. I will still have 8 of the 20 shelves to go and the curtains to hang but we are close to completion. Saturday night I pulled the chain on the ceiling fan light and it broke off. This is the second light this has happened to in less than a year. The other one was just the fan in our bedroom but we didn't fix it yet. Using my handy electrical skills I spent some time Sunday afternoon replacing the chain and control box inside the lights for the fan. This was not an easy task because of how they had it wired together in the first place. But it is finally working. A friend helped me find this site for help, it is very funny it talked about not swinging on the chain like Tarzan. I noticed the chain was very long and this was a child's room from the previous owner. I have shortened the chain.

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