Saturday, April 18, 2009

NAEA 2009 Conference, Minneapolis, MN

We had a great time at the Conference. I learned some great new things to use in my classroom as always. I got some ideas of Children's books to use with art lessons.

I always get great feedback on my presentations. This year someone said I needed to try to be more involved with the elementary division committee.

Sat. afternoon we headed to the Mall of America. We rode the best Log Jammer ever. It was a long ride and had some great turns and hills. After we rode the Rock Bottom Plunge, I was done with rides. It was awful. Too fast and too many twists and turns.

Minneapolis had these really neat walkways that connect the buildings from the second floor so you can stay out of the street and rain. They had a mall inside the also but it is only opn business hours and we explored it early evening.

A hat idea we learned at the exhibits.

Will's Spinge Bob imitation.

We didn't eat this Ice Cream but thought we'd take a photo since we know some Kemps.

Mall of America.

Crayola Opening night party.

Will cleaning his pants at a Mexican Resturuant. He had some soup that was in a fancy top heavy bowl and they just had a chunk of chicken in it that didn't get cut. He tried to cut it and it went everywhere.

Vegetable Art

Art with Picture Books

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